May 25, 2012

Nicole Robison

Hi! My name is Nicole Robison and I am a Reading Recovery teacher at Liberty Elementary in Oldham County.  I have been married to a wonderful man, Jason, for seven years. I have a 20 year old stepson, Ryan, a five year old son, Jaden, who just graduated from preschool, and a three year old daughter, Emily, who is having her first dance recital this weekend!  I spent several years working in Marketing and Advertising prior to changing careers and entering the field of education. I'm so glad I made the change and I couldn't be happier!

I just completed my ninth year of teaching and I enjoy teaching just as much now (if not more) than when I first began teaching nine years ago. I have taught first grade, second grade, fourth grade, and served as the Intervention Coach at Liberty. I just completed my training year for Reading Recovery and  I am looking forward to being trained in CIM (Comprehensive Intervention Model) next year.

With a three year old and a five year old, I don't have much time for reading for my own personal enjoyment. Not to mention, most of the reading time I did have this past year was spent reading and studying the work of Marie Clay - it was an intense training year for Reading Recovery! This summer I do plan to read The Skinny Rules by Bob Harper. My summer reading list also includes; From Brain to Mind by James Zull, Mindset by Carol Dweck, Small Group Reading Instruction by Beverly Tyner, and The Ultimate Guided Reading How To Book by Gail Saunders-Smith. How many of these I will actually get to read this summer....I'm not sure! I would also like to read a trashy romance novel.....any suggestions?

This past year I developed a deeper understanding of the reciprocal nature of reading and writing and how intimately these two areas work together.  Next year, I hope to assist the K-2 classroom teachers in implementing small group instruction in their classrooms in addition to the already established Literacy Workshops and conferring that our teachers have worked so hard to implement.

I am truly excited to be a part of the Kentucky Reading Project this summer and I look forward to getting to know you all!


KRP said...


Welcome! I love meeting people who have come from other careers and chosen to educate students. I feel that they offer a unique perspective. I can't wait to hear yours!

You have had a lot of training, and I know you will give great insight to our cohort.

Enjoy your break and time with your kids.

- Tiffany

Unknown said...

I am an Oldham County teacher as well! Are you also doing the Oldham County Reading Academy this fall? Your name and picture sound familiar...

As far as a trashy novel to read this summer, I have heard that the Fifty Shades of Grey book is a great read. I have not read it yet, but with all of this controversy going on about it, I am intrigued by it :) Another book that I read as a part of a book club last summer was The Summer Affair by Elin Hilderbrand. It was trashy, but not too bad!


NRobison said...

Hannah - I will be part of the in school support for the Oldham County Reading Academy serving as the Reading Academy Coach at Liberty Elementary. Are you attending the Reading Academy this year?

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